Backstage z Jano, Miro Majcen in Marko Alpner

Backstage with Miro Majcen & Jana Morelj

Being interviewed alongside a photography legend and a good friend, Miro Majcen is one of the highlights that will continue to bring a smile to my face.

Jana Morelj invited us to her new podcast, Backstage. I was surprised and also somewhat nervous, especially as I prefer to “hide” behind the camera. But, ‘Ni težko, kar se mora’ – as we like to say in Slovenian.

Under the watchful crew of Radio 1 Rock and with Jana’s experience as an exceptional host, an hour flew by like Mazda 787b, and we thoroughly enjoyed our discussion. If you’re not a native Slovenian speaker, try to turn on the subtitles – if you are, join in. I would love to hear your feedback. Enjoy!

The podcast is also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.